Why the fuck would you work for someone else?
My first festival.
Big Day Out 2003.
16 and with my best mate attempting to get people to buy us beers or jag a drag on a spliff.
We didn’t try too hard and stayed sober.
The music. All about the music.
I remember getting fucked up in the mosh pits on the MainStage.
I wasn’t a small 16 year old, but wasn’t big either. I was weedy.
At one point during ‘No Cigar’ by Millencolin I panicked.
Similar to a double wave hold down.
My only option, or so I thought,
use my mates head as a pole vault to get up above the sweltering heat cake and crowdsurf my way to freedom.
Sorry Pat.
We saw Frenzal Rhomb, The Vines, Sparta, The Living End, Queens of the Stone Age.
I hadn’t discovered the heart synchronicity and playing with persians in the the world of EDM yet,
these were my mother fucken’ rock n’ roll years.
A sweaty day turned to a dustier night,
Ending with the headliner.
The Foo Fighters.
‘One by One’ their latest release from the year before and that opening track ‘All my Life’.
Listen to the intro guitar,
like a ticking time bomb.
If you watch the start of the clip,
this is how they opened the set.
Ballistic energy exploded.
My whole body sparks with goosebumps every time that drop to this day.
I didn’t have the chops,
but I had a Dave Grohl haircut.
Spotify is the algorithm that knows a fuck tonne about you and nobody cares
There won’t be a Social Dillema 2 bitching about them because:
- How good are the mixes they create for you
- Their release radar resets every Monday and it’s immaculate
- ‘Time Capsule’ is back and I’m frothing to say the least
‘Nostalgia is a drug’
And ‘All my Life’ came on as I was walking back up from the cafe.
I’d just had both my coaching calls fall through for one reason or another.
I was a bit pissed, given it’s Friday and I’d just had a super rad time being a real-full-blown-man who shovels shit and gently places seedlings into the soil.
Some may say
‘a Gentle man with a fucken’ shovel full-a shit.’
A few months back, I decided not to coach individuals anymore but when presented with a dream opportunity — to coach for a company that I deeply admire and rate as one of the best in the world, I had to do it.
BTW — no reflection on the company, they’re still the raddest of the rad, I just had some unfortunate cancellations with my clients.
But as is so often the case,
out of the damaged soil came a beautiful sprout of insight.
An epiphany flowering from deep in my skull.
Two epic women I’ve had the pleasure of learning from both said in the past two weeks that the key to their happiness is:
‘the ability to decide what they work on and ‘with’ who’
One even said “I’m wealthy beyond recognition.”
And she doesn’t have a loaded bank account.
Their immense froth levels, coupled with doing the work they’re called to is, from where I’m sitting, based on their relationships being in coherence with other people.
And the sovereignty they hold within them.
I don’t want to work ‘for’ people, I want to work ‘with’ people.
Interestingly, I used the beepbreath to down-regulate my pissedness.
Which primed me for unpacking the epiphany, that will now most likely reside in our values and upcoming trust manifesto for FrothBear
(BeepBreath’s baby father)
And as for the song.
“All my life I’ve been searching for something, something never comes never leads to nothing, nothing satisfies but it’s getting close, closer to the prize at the end of the road.”
It’s actually ‘rope’ but when that’s been the word in my head for 17 years, it’s ‘road’.
The prize at the end of the road is ‘with’ relationships.
A lot of us are stuck in a sweltering heat cake at the moment.
If we come along side people in ‘with’ relationships, the prize at the end of the road might just be wealth beyond recognition.
And if you have to use the heads of the old broken ways for leverage to crowdsurf away from them, just fucken’ do it.
The air up there is over-flowing with freedom.
And yeah,
Sorry Pat ;)