Thinking Fast and Fast — A beginner’s guide to a 5-day Water Fast

Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist
16 min readNov 26, 2019


Perhaps that’s too many fasts in a title.

Let’s hope you’re not confused.

The fast I’m referring to, aside from the water fast, is the way our brains can operate faster or more efficiently while fasting.

There shouldn’t be a fast guide to water fasting.

If you want a fast guide to water fasting — don’t do it.

Here’s why?

It’s a pretty serious thing and you should research the F out of before you do it.

And… probably consult a medical professional.

I didn’t because I trust my mators (Mentors who are my Mates) and in my ability to research on Dr Google.

I’m not going to bang on about this as it is more of a ‘Benny’s experience of fasting’ than a guide — but links (actual guides) and other info will be available for you at the bottom to grip the ears of the rabbit, hold on tight and whip it down a hole.


Firstly! What’s a water fast?

A period of time you only drink water.

Some do 24 hours. Some do 40 Days.

I aimed up for 5 days.

That means for the period nothing but water.

However, to avoid things like cramp due to lack of salts I was putting salt and lemon in my water of a morning and occasionally through the afternoon.

Salty lemon water tastes not as shit as you’d think.

But obviously anything becomes boring after days on end.

Some resources

As mentioned, they’re all at the bottom.

One of them I read every single day on the journey.

That was Dr Jockers on 5 day water fasting.

He broke it down into nice infographics and extended words to accompany each day.

Some examples:

Every morning when I jumped on my robot,

I was like a little kid at Christmas, unwrapping my present for what was going to happen to my body that day.

This meant the good and potentially the bad!

Why good and bad?

It’s similar to why we love to take chances or gamble — our dopamine spikes at 2 -4x the hit.

The Neuroscience of maybe, the chance that we might lose gives you the same dopamine hit /similar to the rush one gets from a hit of Mexican A-grade… not tequila.

Link for the Sapolsky, main man on maybe’s work below.

The BAD!

Was I going to get a gnarly rash, making me as ugly as Ryan Reynolds?

A potential symptom from your body pushing all the toxins out…

Not sure what the girls see in Ryan tbh.


Was I going to drop into the holy grail of Keto with x8 brain function!?!?

Give me a hit of nerd stat!

“Glucose takes 24 steps to be broken down into fuel for the brain, Ketones take 3”. says Dan Kurlapski.

I could find a scientific link but my buddy Dan is:

1) Sitting next to me as I write this

2) A physio, entrepreneur and transformational mindset specialist and I trust him and he has a powerful beard, so I’m good with his diagnosis.

This is a direct example of my application to research above. ;)

Beard = smart Dan and his partner Sara. They are both starting the fast next week!

But where did this journey to water fasting start?

Like all good stories, they begin over dinner with a Doctor.

This Doctor is not really a Doctor, he’s an ethical mortgage broker who speaks the tongue of radical finance — Andrew Bakonyi — Otherwise affectionately known as Dr Bakayoni…

So trustworthy

A name bestowed to him because of his wise and gentle demeanor.

I trust his word like that of a Doctor — Counterintuitive to this article I know — but f*ck it — it’s my article.

As we smacked into some Vego Thai on a heaving Summers night in Hobart, Tasmania.

I asked him what he’d done lately that was rad?

He said “a 5-day green tea fast.”

“Well, That sounds horrendous,” I said.

“Why would you do that?”

The Doc went on to give me a rundown.

  • Reset gut microbiome
  • Testing resilience
  • Something to do

Note: These aren’t exactly what he said but I vaguely remember them being so and it fits in with this narrative.

The Doc had planted a seed and not one that I really wanted to grow.


Later that year I was sitting on an island in Croatia having a feed with a couple of rad individuals.

One of them — Jeff Hays— a many who’s made a name for himself by telling truths others won’t through films.

He lives, he writes, shoots, directs movies that make movements for a living and gets to riff with the world’s best thinkers.

Movement maker

He mentioned 5-day water fasting.

And this time the facts stuck.

He said that ‘Two 5-day fasts per year could potentially eliminate cancer on a widespread scale.’


I’ll pause here to mention. In normal everyday life I have an open mind to most things, but I can still find myself somewhat stuck in the cynical energy that surrounds us given our mainstream media and the perceptions on what is possible.

When you’re in a place with people with open-minds and emergent theories x practices, that mindset can GTFO and my ears are permanently on guard to incorporate wise messages into my life.

My advice: find these places and the people who you resonate with.

So the seed started to sneak its way out of the ground.

I have a history of cancer in my family.

It’s taken a fair few of us out.

But really, who doesn’t?

Well, maybe secluded tribes of people who do Two 5-day fasts as a part of their yearly rituals…

So off I went into the Bolivian jungle to seek out these people.

As enticing as it sounded to return to Bolivia and do this, I just mused on it, before deciding I’d probably just try it myself.

And low and behold, the seed continued to grow.

A gut Feeling

I’ve had gut issues for a while. I’ve seen specialists, been on supplements, done subtraction diets etc.

Some with decent results, others not so much.

I mentioned to my buddy Sammy I was thinking about doing a 5-day fast because late one night down the rabbit hole I’d come across gut microbiome resets with fasting.

Sammy has had gut issues of different types as well.

So we decided we would take it on!

I also thought it best to mention to my Flow Genome Project group of coaches.

We connect on all things health optimisation and beyond.

Within a day we had three doing it.

Not only that, one of them, Joshua, decided to start straight away.

I didn’t find out till later that he’d done them before, but this kicked me into gear.

Onramp to FASTING

An important thing to think about with fasting is what you’ve got coming up and how you will launch into your fast.

I msg’d Sammy and he was a little ill, so he had to postpone.

Him and I will tackle it again another time.

I weighed up my options…

Start the day after a bucks party and sneak in the 5 days prior to a wedding.

Or wait till after the wedding and do it on my own…

I chose the day after the bucks party, more so because I wanted to do it with a crew (albeit the team members were in the USA) it still felt like support.

So after a solid day of mindful drinking in the sun.

Seven or so beers, a tasting gin and scotch plate and a couple of vodka jelly things and my stomach probably wasn’t in the best stead to start a fast.

But in the spirit of ‘f*ck it’.

I nipped it in the bud early and got home from the bucks party at 6pm.

Drank a stack of water (something I’d been doing throughout the day) and a delicious meal with my partner and that would be my final one!

Day One — Sunday Slosh

Note: I’ve been intermittent fasting consistently for almost two years already — introduced by Dan K from above — and it took my body quite a while to adjust.

I lost a bit of weight initially, but now I would never go back.

Essentially I eat in an 8-hour window every day. Usually between 11–7.

Except when I have an opportunity to break bread with a fkn legend. I will have that breaky with Mum or a dear friend I haven’t seen.

Rituals like this are super important to me.

My fasting gave me an advantage to this extended fast — some may say a fast start…

So my first morning was like any other, Except I usually drink coffee!

No food.

The afternoon rolled around and when I would normally eat I wasn’t hungry at all.

I’d started with the lemon and salts, but that was it.

The only noticeable thing was an emotional thought to eat.

Like ‘ooohhh the thought of the taste of that avocado on toast sounds nice’.

But then I knew I wasn’t going to die if I didn’t eat it. So on I went.

I did have a late call that night — but it was awesome and the energy was infectious from my buddies so I went to sleep as the right kind of tired.

Day 2 — Harry Plato

The next morning I’m still not hungry. But feeling lighter and a touch more coherent. Got some powerful amounts of flowy work done.

This was a full day of work.

And I work in my kitchen, so I was looking at food for the whole morning.

I then pushed it even further and went to a mega shopping centre as I like to work from there sometimes.

Free wifi is good when I’m not buying anything.

I thought about going to my cafes where I normally work from, but thought it’d be a douche move ( A Doove) to sit there and drink water.

So the middle of a food court, in among wafting smells of burgers, thai food and icecream cakes, was where I tested myself that day.

The way home was hottt!

And when I got home I was busted and had a deep powernap.

That evening I got a bit more work done, but cooled the jets before another frothy group convo about light topics of saving the world amidst the bush fire catastrophe.

I felt a bit like a stoned philosopher that evening.

A little care-free, a few seconds late, but with an odd clarity and poeticism to match.

Call me Harry Plato.

Day 3 - Superman vs Slugman

Day 3 is apparently the day of a lot of transition.

Some people start to feel the magic, for others it’s the final part of the pain.

For me it was a battle between light and dark, good and evil, Super and Slug.

I again wasn’t hungry at all but the lethargy in the morning really slugged me.

I couldn’t get whipped up on my morning workout or find the usual stoke on my walk with my partner Jacqui down to the beach.

But when I got home I sat in silence.

It was sh*t.

But, alas I had to release a podcast.

It was by one of my favourite DJ’s.

And listening to the short of it, see below, it whipped me up.

Moments of froth…

Superman had awoken.

I felt like composing music, writing a sonet (not sure what that is, but poetry none the less), I had an urge to do a beach run.

My brain went ‘Do Shit and do it now!!!’

But I checked back in, decided not to run and over-exert myself and rode the wave of precision for a good 3 hours.


But then in a flash, slugman kicked me in the slug and I needed another nap.

After the nap I had developed a lower back pain which was creeping in on. day two and kept me really awake of a night.

It is a normal thing and a part of the flushing which directs to the spine.

It wasn’t ideal, but as I cleaned the temple (my apartment), I really felt like a frail, older person, just cruising around cleaning, but at a pace that was calming and zen-like.

Find the gratitude in the pain and the fact that this is your body cleaning itself up after a relentless onslaught for 33 years ;)

That evening I never regained that next-level joyousness, I just almost shit myself (see below).

Day 4 — You did a thing

Day 4 was actually great.

The only noticeable thing was that I was feeling the cold.

Where I’d been on computer for the previous 3 days, on this day I ventured out to a workshop to assist with creative concepts for the health and knowledge precinct on the Gold Coast.

Another test with a full serve of refreshments and foods in my face.

But they didn’t even register.

During the group work I introduced myself as

‘Hi my name is Benny and I’m cold…’

I did mention that I was cold because of the air-con and on the fourth day of a fast but,

This isn’t the first time I’ve done this, because in public settings if you’re feeling a bit weird (physically or mentally) I’ve found it good to come out with it first. It usually breaks the ice and you get a little laugh.

It feels human — literally.

I had some great conversations with some friends and mentors at the event and just feeling better than my average goodness.

But I did the session and decided to head home early.

And on my way home I decided to break the fast that night.

For three reasons:

  1. I wanted to prove to myself that I could cut something short without feeling like a loser. A limiting belief I’d come to understand about myself. On Day 4 I’d achieved everything I’d set out to do, so why would I keep going, except for ego’s sake?
  2. My friends' wedding was on the Friday. This meant if I broke tonight, I could have liquid transition for the next 24 hours and then begin to bring solids back into my life in time for the wedding.

    I fkn love wedding food. Words can’t describe how big tables full of legends eating stacks of epic cuisine with beers and laughter brings me so much happiness. Note: On a small stomach don’t eat all the wedding food — I ate all of it and stuffed in about 8 or 9 beers as well. I still cut the rug and had a rad time, but definitely felt the effects — Cue my overeating blog (see below)
  3. I want to do the five days with my bud Sammy. We planned to do it together, so we will in some form.


To break the fast I went up onto the rooftop with my partner Jacqui and we did a little Ceremonial Cacao. Which was really a thanks to her for supporting me through it.

I love her, except when she beats me in thumb wars.

I recommend you need someone to be there physically to check in on you.

Plus Cacao can be sacred and gives you a nice little glimpse into the beyond and some deep breaths and chocolate were a bangen’ way to start my love affair with food again.

PS. Once I decided 730PM was the magic time that I was going to break it. The countdown was on!!!

Food and hunger crept back into my mind. Time slowed down.

Maybe this was my last lesson and to tell myself I don’t need to allow time for food.

Intuitive eating is next for me to really explore.

Day 5

Smoothies and coffee. That was it for the first 24hour of digestion.

I then ate tacos right on 24hrs but held off on the beer, until the wedding.

Day 6

I went back to eating as usual, which probably isn’t the best way to do it.

But I don’t regret going all out for my buddies Robbo and Mari at their awesome wedding. It was a frothathon.

A Few other things people have asked…


I usually do two workouts a day. To be conservative I only did my first workout each morning.

The first: An adapted 300 workout each morning which takes me about 15mins.

(100 pushups, 100 situps and 100 squat/lunges).

You need a bangen’ music track ‘Finding the Frothers’ playlist on spotify…

That’s my first and then I do a second workout (surf, gym, run).

I didn’t do the second workout for day 1–3, except about an hour of walking each day.

I did the same day 4 when I broke the fast but felt at that stage I felt I would be able to go back to my second workout.

However, still would have been hesitant to surf.

I did, however, jump on my skatey on the arvo of day 3 and was being a bit of a doofus whipping around.

Then when I sat down in my loungeroom I got a headspin, had some water, then diarrhea. Not sure they were all related, but interesting to observe

What about The Rig

I’m already fairly skinny.

But as far as I could tell, I lost all my excess body fat and was feeling trim and light both physically and mentally. Next time I’ll measure properly and set a timer for consistency.

I forgot to do before starting and Day 1. :(

Day 2 — morning


Day 3- Morning

Decided against nude.

Day 4 — Evening just before the finish (forgot to do morning…)

Mood Lighting, serious face and slimming black attire definitely helps.


Mine aren’t great to start with.

But they seemed to improve on day Number 2 ;)

Got some real solid push throughs as opposed to mush.

Not quite the poophoria (see link below) I received when I did the Arbonne 30 days at the start of the year, but pretty good.

Then, as above, I got the splats on day 3. And then a little bit on Day 4.

Some sources say to quit if you get diarrhea, but others say continued as long as it’s not constant. So I dealt with it and they became solid again by the day 4 arvo.

Can’t believe how much you still knock ’em out without eating. Our meat suits and spaghetti inside are wild.


Over the entire period I give it:

4 shithouses out of 5.

Some of the worst sleep I’ve ever had.

In Straya, we call it wrestling crocodiles.

But! I know after I’ve been on a full day of drinking, my sleep is bad for two nights after.

My game is mindful drinking, but while I can handle the days, the sleep is really the drawback on drinking more than 3 beers in a session.

Also — Two nights I proper chomped my lip mid-sleep, but I’ve done that in the past.


The second night was a real rip into my lip and I had to get up and sort it out.

I grind my teeth of a night though, so it may have had something to do with it.

Toward the end it got slightly better, but I will probably take sleep supplements next time.

My Review — Will play again.

This is another thing in the tool-belt for me to play with. But play with respect.

Who would’ve thought I would learn so much about my body.

The main thing — ‘I don’t need to eat.’

However, I wonder if I did this out in the wilderness and not in a foodcourt or on my kitchen bench, would it feel the same?

Another reason for the keenness to get this under and on the belt was traveling:

I always feel ill from plane food and shitty airport food. So now I can comfortably boost to Europe without needing to eat.

Next time I will do 2–3 days of prep work, minus the booze.

BTW — My buddy Joshua ended up finishing on 6.5 days.

So while I will aim up for 5, I’m not going to hold myself ransom to it.

AND! so many people have asked me about this since I mentioned it, so I hope it helps. Dan, Sara and their flatmates are even starting one next week.

How rad.


Do the research and feel into if it aligns with you and what you need it for.

AND Did I get into 8x ripping nerd keto mode? — only really for those 3 hours.

But ohh what a feeling that was.

This feels mildly appropriate to finish on….

“Fast off, Fast on Daniel-san.”

IF you need anymore info feel free to reach out to me

Much love,



My Daily Christmas Read —

Dr Pompa also a good one-

Dr Fung on Dave Asprey —

Note: I’d keep searching Dr Fung, I read several of his transcripts and like his views the most. This is a fun and informative interview for those who don’t like to read and are podcast junkies.

Neuroscience of maybe Robert Sapolsky —

More beardy Wisdom and adventure from Dan —

Jeff Hays — Movies that make movements —

Benny (in the third person) on over-eating —

Poophoria —

Some thoughts on Ceremonial Cacao —

Rabbit Holing:

I also watched a bunch of Youtube and read comments from people who had f*cked up results, so do the research, but from their images they didn’t look like healthy specimens to begin.

Some advices on Intentional Rabbit Holing from some dude on a beach.



Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist
Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

Written by Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

I write about our favourite things that can kill us 🍻 📺 🍕📱and other things of beauty...

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