The power of an open reflection session
My buddy Troy used to tell me about the power of his online group meditations.
Getting together with people all over the world once a week to meditate.
He’d say, ‘we all got to state of stillness faster than when we meditated on our own.’
You might think, prove it
And he did.
Troy and his crew were using biofeedback technology measuring their brainwaves to see how fast they found a meditative state.
Somewhere in the vicinity of alpha and theta.
If ya lucky Delta. Usually reserved for deep sleep.
Troy’s one of the most knowledgable in Australia when it comes the connection between consciousness illuminating technology and traditional mindfulness practice.
So I was intrigued and rocked up to one of Troy’s sessions a few weeks before Christmas.
I was having a tough time getting my head around trying to achieve all my goals before the end of the year.
Pretty much impossible.
Did you feel that last December?
Maybe the pinch is still around now…
Roll on February I say!
But back to the meditation.
It’s 530AM on zoom, I’m sitting on the floor of my tiny home and while I didn’t’ have any biometric feedback on, I definitely found it way easier to find a meditative state with the crew from round the world.
Truth be known, I almost never meditate unless I’m practicing breathwork or at the end of my quarterly visit to a yoga studio (the intention is to go every week I swear)
Troy has always been generous with his time and I like his Friday sessions. They’re a clever way for Troy to be of service to people because he’s already there. He meditates every morning so one morning a week he opens the floor.
Sure he’s gotta log on, but that’s a fair price of admission for the connection with others who he may collaborate with or support in the future.
Righto now to the invite…
On Monday morning, loaded up on frothy cappuccino from my local, I was thinking about Troy and a meditative practice I could share with everyone.
And what came to me is journalling…
I write 750 words most mornings. But don’t care if I don’t hit 750 as long as I’ve dropped some thoughts off in the compost/ computer for the day.
I was also thinking that we’re coming up to the end of January.
At least in Australia, January feels like the hangover from Christmas, NYs/ all of December really.
I know some of you are doing Dry January others are well into their year of drinking,Tokens or otherwise.
And so I thought, like Troy, I’d invite everyone into my space. The one that allows me to be present as well as get ready for the next day or in this case, the next month.
So here’s the invite -
‘Morning of the First — Reflection Session’
A Monthly Reflection Session.
630AM — 830AM
Drop in for as little or as long as you want.
Click here to join us.
You can simply dial in and write away or use some of our favourite questions as a guide:
1. What are you Proud of this past month?
2. What did you find Challenging this past month?
3. What can you do Better for the month ahead?
4. What could you use some Help with for the month ahead?
I will be online to riff on any questions or threads you would like to explore. My favourite thing is a morning yarn so don’t be shy to engage. Even if you’re from the past AKA Europe, North America and dialling in from the day or evening before, it’s still a good reflection time :)
BTW Your writing can remain totally private or if you want to share you can. All you need to bring is honesty, optimism and a sense of humour.
I reckon it’ll be a rad way to say goodbye to Jan and rock on into Feb.
BTW — If you would like to join a Friday meditation session with Troy let me know and I’ll send you the deets.
I’m a writer and performance coach focused on unlocking hidden vitality in our habits. Specifically the fun ones, our vices. If you liked this article feel free to clap or drop a comment in.