Spur of the moment drinks and what to do. Maybe.
For those invites on a whim!
I was asked by one of our drinking community about,
what happens when you have a drink on a whim?
AKA not planned.
For example,
‘A legend has just turned up you haven’t seen in a decade and they’re just the best!’
kind of event.
My answer is simple.
You can always set an intention,
even if it takes you 10 seconds.
It also helps to think if the drink(s) you’re having
are similar to yay nights (worth its) or nay nights (not worth its) from the past.
If it’s nay nights.
‘this person is an all-time legend but always gets me funked up.’
What do you need to change about the meet up to make it worth it, the next day?
One funny thing is that with old mates sometimes you’re both showing up to get loose because that’s what you’re both expecting the other wants.
And you never have the conversation and just roll like the good ol’ times.
Kind of funny that.
So I had a whim token by the beachside before dinner with Jacqui yesterday arvo.
A 1–3 beer intention.
I was actually feeling a little tired from all the travel, but the sunshine vibes at this bayside bar looked frothy so off we went.
I had one delicious Balter XPA and then had a Sapporo lager on tap at the Japanese restaurant.
I’m not a big lager drinker but I don’t mind a Sapporo — Japan’s oldest brewery. One for the trivia.
FYI My favourite is an Asahi Black on tap with Japanese food ;)
I also know in the back of my mind I have 101 Tokens to spend again this year and this is the first weekend of the year.
Just about to head off to a wedding and will def have some frothies.
So that’ll be two tokens.
The sun is firing and I love a good wedding shindig.
I’ve gotta drive 5 hours tomorrow after a big breaky, so considering I’ll crack my first at about 3pm.
I’ll set a 5–7 range for drinks and of course I’ll eat lots of food and drink waters too.
I’ve got a few messages from people having a spicier start to the year than expected, if you’re in that category and want to do something about it.
Maybe have a read of this article I wrote about setting a ‘FROTHY GOAL’
Or if you’re keen for the additional support with me and the crew, signups are still open for the next few weeks. We’re a community of people looking to apply health optimisation strategies to our drinking. Me included — click here.
After that it becomes a little tough to remember your tokens to put them in the app. At least for my brain ;)
Lastly, I’ve also released a few scholarship positions for students and others who are struggling financially or for other reasons like your dollar is sh!thouse compared to the Aussie Dollar.
Like ours is to many other major currencies right now. So if there was ever a time to jump in (North Americans and Euro crew especially), it is now. ;)
I’ve got three scholarships available and have filled one with an absolute legend, so if you’d like to jag one of the last two, please email benny@101tokens.com and let me know what’s going on.
If you found this helpful feel free to share the article, clap, clap, clap like Oooh Ahhh coming in to bowl at the SCG or drop me a comment. YEW.