Kairos blisters

I keep looking at my $39 Mambo watch on the floor.

A Big W special.

Time’s slowed since I’ve been on the farm.

Putting on my watch is a risk.

It may speed it up.

Fuck that noise

I harvested my first veggies today.

Sure, I’ve harvested grapes and squished them for Argentinian wine.
Feel free to see this in action.

“Not bad for a dickhead” Beau Miles

NOTE: I was very high during the making of that film.

And Chimpanzee riding on a Segway.
Look up youtube if you don’t believe me!

But Segwaying none the less.

I’ve also harvested a fair chunk a’ hooch in California too.

While there Mum was, telling all her friends and esteemed work colleagues that I was working on an organic fresh produce farm.
(not technically a lie).

But Mum!

I finally am doing the organic fresh produce thing.

And this is the first time, I’ve felt connected to the land as a harvester.

Well, truth be known, I felt a connection to the Sunshine Coast prior to being on the farm.

But this is me hangen’ out with the worms, birds and grubs.

Worken’ in a team that uses their hands to move shit.

Sometimes actual shit.

Sometimes heavy shit.

When was the last time you moved heavy shit?

It’s fucken’ heavy.

I’ve had a fair few dirty jobs where I dug holes most of the day (literally and other literally).

I’ve lost my mind before in some of those roles (literally and alternate literally).

I’ve worked with dirty fuckers (literally and opposite literally).

I’ve been a dirty fucker (literally and inside literally).

But I’m happy to be well and truly buggered tonight.

And not write more than this…

Mostly, because it took me three goes to right write just now.

Oh yeah! this odd piece is called Kairos blisters.

Fuck it better be Kairos Blisters Pt1 then.

Pt2. Tomorrow.




Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist
Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

Written by Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

I write about our favourite things that can kill us 🍻 📺 🍕📱and other things of beauty...

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