I Fucken’ Love Cake

And why you need restraint sometimes. But not always. Just sometimes.


Last Sunday I rolled a One and it hurt. Stay with me friends…

The previous seven days before I’d eaten a moist AF white chocolate and raspberry muffin, an inappropriately large choc-chip cookie adorned with Celtic Sea Salt, so good that I drive well out of my way to get said cookie, shitty chocolate biscuits from the store (like the rip off of Tim Tams), actual Tim Tams, a home made greek cake thing I’d never tried before, an orange cake slice or two, a mini-carrot cake, a scone and cream x3 and these are just the ones I can remember.

This week I’d rolled a one.
And you’re thinking, ‘what the fuck is a one, dickhead?’

OK, OK,cool ya jets.

Each Sunday I Pick a vice,
Roll a dice.

My vice is dessert.
And the number I roll is how many desserts I get for the week.

And I rolled a One. Fuck!
And here’s how my week subsequently went.


MONDAY: It began with a fast.
I used to do a 36–40 water hour fast once a month. The first monday of every month.
I haven’t done it for about a year. So I picked it back up on Monday.

This was good strategy because it meant there was no temptation for anything, let alone a delicious sugary dessert. So Monday was a win.

Planning: Because I have one token to spend — I need to make it count. Tokens, no matter what number, take on a life of their own. They become sacred to some degree.

So when I was going to indadvertedly be offered some chocolate or cake or other I was going to need my one token dessert planned, so I could share why their offering didn’t cut the cake mustard. Yuk.

The One Token: There’s a place in Currumbin Valley where I live that has a lemon meringue cake.

It’s the image up the top there. My partner Jacqui and I love it. And that’s the other piece of the Meringue pie in this equation. The Token was to be spent with a loved one. Shared.

My dessert eating had mostly been excessive and done by myself. This created a ritual. I was so excited and everyone who offered me birthday cakes and chocolate throughout the week got it.

Sort of.

Saturday Night

I worked on the farm, did some chores and went for a 90minute surf with decent sized waves and a strong current. Meaning by the time I got out, I was buggered. Then I had to go pick Jacqui up from the airport. I hadn’t planned dinner, so we dove in for a quick japanese Sushi train restaurant.

And without a second thought, we ordered Moshi. A Japanese dessert, chewy, frozen, sugary deliciousness.

Not the one we ate but looked similar.

We finished our meal, when Jacqui asked me how my week of tokens was going. Then I was half way through how I’d planned for us to go and eat Lemon Fuckkk!

I said out loud. Whoops.

She started laughing. The good thing was, that we’d had our weekly date night ritual and the dessert was pretty awesome. Nowhere near as good as the cake but it’s all good.

Because surely I won’t roll a one again.

For those interested here is the OG article about the dice.

There is also another element to this game unfolding and I’ll be sure to share that very soon.

If you pick a vice and roll the dice. Let me know how you go.



Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist
Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

Written by Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

I write about our favourite things that can kill us 🍻 📺 🍕📱and other things of beauty...

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