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A super simple calendar for reaching those big flowy goals
What a good morning routine does is it ripples out into the rest of the day and then beyond…
It signals to yourself you are accomplishing things and that extrapolates out to weekly, monthly, even yearly routines and goals.
But here’s the more important thing.
A routine is better than no routine.
Meaning it doesn’t have to be in the morning.
I used to be super regimented when I first started studying peak performance.
If I’d miss the mark my whole day was ruined.
That’s gobshite (been listening to Billy Connolly’s autobiography — it’s maybe the best thing ever).
Translated to ‘stupid, idiotic, foolish.’
If you’ve got kids and other responsibilities and you miss the morning, squeeze it in somewhere else.
Even if it’s the micro-version of your ideal jam.
My buddy Dr Ryan Pope follows the ‘move — breath — connect’ flow adapted from his teacher Dr Brett Jones. I love this.
Get the body and blood pumping, drop in for some breathing, I like a few rounds of Wim Hoffesque…