From Good to Great
Almost four years ago I was walking out the door of our apartment when Jacqui yelled out to me,
‘I think we should do this relationship course.’
My gut dropped like when you miss a stair after a few too many wines.
I said, ‘yeah sure, I’ll take a look. Send me the link.’
While thinking, ‘F*ck that! There’s nothing wrong with our relationship.’
I remember looking up the program and thinking the guy and his partner seemed legit.
We had a few mutual friends in common in the men’s coaching space.
I was probably looking for an excuse not to do it and sure enough, I found one.
Jacqui didn’t push back and on we went…
Fast forward to three months ago.
I’d just finished up working on a program to teach people how to release trauma through breathing.
Most of my work these days is storytelling / marketing / same diff in my book, for coaches who have programs the world needs to experience.
I’d done a great job for this fella and he told me his best mate needed some work for his program.
I jump on the call and it’s Tully.
The relationship coaching guy.
We get on like old mates and work closely together on his new program, bringing in 32 couples for this four-month adventure.
Actually, it was 33.
I signed Jacqui and I up.
And we’re now into our second month.
When I start with a new client I interview them (I call it a Source Jam) to understand their origin story, where they’re at now, and where they’re going.
I’d learnt about the couples he’d helped over the years and he said something that’s stuck with me…
Tully loves helping people pull themselves out of the ditch.
He’s helped couples who were fighting non-stop and in some cases living in different homes to rekindle their relationship.
But he said, he especially loved working with couples who were looking to go from Good-to-Great.
Jacqui and I have had our fair whack of troubles this past year.
My head injury / ongoing recovery and finishing off our never-ending tiny home project has put a strain on our relationship, but we’re definitely closer to the good-to-great category than the ditch rescue.
And it got me thinking…
Dangerous that! ;)
I’ve only got one private legend doing the Token Yearly program right now.
He finishes up next month in August.
I’ll share a bit more about his story in my next jam because it’s just gotten especially radical.
I asked him where he was at with this drinking.
Out of 10.
He says 8.
Considering he was about a 3 or 4 to start.
8 is good.
Better than good really.
I’m so proud of him and how he’s stepped up for himself and his young family.
But, I left him with the question…
What does a 9 look like?
What does good-to-great look like…
He sends me an update every Friday before the weekend.
Setting his intentions for his tokens and I offer some advice if it’s needed.
I’m intrigued to see what a 9 looks like for him.
AND there’s no pressure for him to find a 9 in his final month.
The Token Game, for most, is not a short Game.
The power here is identifying what that might look like and just like we did when we started — Visualising the transformation.
And this month I’ll be finishing my book about this wild ride.
Next week it’s in final edits.
My mission is to support people to get to an 8 and stay there consistently. If you read my book, you will see how I f*cked up trying to get the whole Aussie drinking culture to an 8, forgetting about the individuals in the process.
Sorry everyone!
But thanks to Tully.
I’m also frothing to work with people to go from 7s and 8s to 9s and maybe higher.
That’s Double Yay or Best Night Ever Territory.
That’s life design through the lens of our drinking habits.
And the ripple effects are immense.
So where are you at right now?
1 = Absolutely Ruining your life
10 = Epic. A positive part of you now living the life you most desire.
If you feel like answering
write me an email