Do you have a KFC Business?

How do you measure the success of a friend’s business..?

How much investment they recieved?
How many people they’re hiring?
Are they expanding to multi-national HQs?

These sound cool, how I would have done it for the longest time.

“Crushing it Bro”
but perhaps are things that aren’t true metrics for building businesses for a world with a future.

They’re old and outdated.

Maybe humanity is in a pickle with all this crushing going down.

When I was guiding people to change their relationships with alcohol we’d talk about language and its power!

If you’re going out to ‘get fucked up’ no wonder you end up in fights and hospitals at a higher rate than most.

Now we don’t need to be nerds about it.

If one can find a genuinely positive way to describe being fucked up,
then go for it.

So, this isn’t a doom rant, although maybe you’re searching for one.

Doom scrolling sounds fun and is maybe what I’d compare to a KFC Sunday.

We’ve been there many times!
You’ve had a night,
bigger than you intended,
damaged le’ body
so you continue to compound that damage
on Sacred Sunday with
KFC subscription service choices,
KFC social media
And then maybe you do get that Zinger.

Perhaps the language is useful here.

People who are ‘crushing it’ in business are probably making sure things are ‘fucked up’ around the place.

I’m open for suggestions. How does ‘blooming’ sound as the opposite end of the spectrum for folks playing regenerative.

And maybe you’re asking, “well how do I know?”

I’ve been working on a practice to work this out.
I’m coming up to my fourth iteration on it and each time it steps up the radness.

For this I apply a song that resonates with this moment, with some breathing to the beats of the song, with some instructions to drop in and tell me exactly what you saw.

How are you friend?
Froth levels, as a % if you like.

When your source idea dropped in, what happened?
where were you?
what did it feel like?
And! Are you in alignment with the awesome mission you set out to achieve?

What is the integrity that holds your business together? My mentor Christine will call this Pattern Integrity. You may call them somewhere in the vicinity of values.

What’s the purpose of your business?

And if they say they were in a KFC drive-through, saw a gap in the market and proceeded to fist that gap with the bulbous end of the chicken leg, AKA ‘crushing it’, I might say that’s not potato and gravy mate and walk on.

But I’d like to think most business ideas don’t start out this way…

They just have too many cumulative KFC Sundays.

So what are the point of these words?

If you’re starting a business and want an assessment on if you’re going to go on and crush it or if you might be leaning towards a bloom, drop us a line and we might have that yarn.




Benny Wallington - Vice Optimist

I write about our favourite things that can kill us 🍻 📺 🍕📱and other things of beauty...